Wednesday 8 October 2008

Thoughts on Blogging

I have decided to look into, I viewed a few before this but this caught my eye. It’s not writing with perfect spelling or grammar but I continued reading, the blog showing today’s entry started ‘Beginning to love his little wife….’ Well I read on thinking it was going to be a scandalously story of affairs or polygamy but no, it was about her husband’s new car. The woman who is writing this blog seems to be writing a personal account of her life for future reference it covers holiday and her general life, it is quite sweet really, and she seems happy which at 9.30 in the morning is always nice to read. She writes in blocks sometimes she won’t write for weeks other times there is more than one entry for that day. She is from what I’ve read happy, in love, underestimates herself.

It seems that blogs are public diaries; everyone I have ever known to write a traditional diary would be horrified if someone else read it even if it was a perfect stranger. But I have never been one for diaries, their would be the first couple of entries which were written with enthusiasm and thereafter it became a boring account of the days events and within a month I would give up on it.

I don’t honestly know how I will get along with blogging as writing has never been my strong point, but what’s the harm in it, at the worse I will make myself look like a fool which I manage to do on a day-to-day basis anyway. It will hopefully help improve my writing so I might as well give it a go. As for the blog being public I don’t mind that, i’m not sure why but at least it not like my attempts and a diary in my earlier years, this time I know its out there for anyone to read and so I don’t have to burn it afterwards.

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